Pilote Modded

Pilote Modded


Logo Pilote Modded

Welcome everyone, Pilot Modded is the main mod for the Pilot Modded V2 server! You can download it here for an original single player adventure or download our launcher to play in multiplayer with an epic mod pack ! 

/!\ The mod is in French, no translation is available for the moment

Pilot Modded adds a lot of things. 

The use of the mod in a PUBLIC server is forbidden (however, you can use it in your private server with your friends, etc.)

Here are the most important additions to Pilot Modded (some items are not in this list):

1. Pilodium

The first addition of Pilote Modded is the rarest ore,
There are several ways to get it!

The first way to get it is by killing the boss of the new dimension added by the mod.

Here is a picture of the armor in game

2. Dimension

The dimension is one of the main additions of this mod

It offers new ores and a new boss

The ores are quite rare, but useful for many crafts

3. Hammers

The mod offers hammers that allow you to mine in 3x3 

The crafting is quite simple but you must already have some stuff to get it

The hammer has several tiers 

Tier 1 - 1000 Durabilities (Can't repair & can't be enchanted)

Tier 2 - 2000 Durabilities (Can't repair & can't be enchanted)

Tier 3 - 3000 Durabilities 

Tier 4 - ∞ Durabilities 

More additions are still in the works!

Have a good game