Pirates And Looters Mod

Pirates And Looters Mod



Welcome to the Pirates And Looters  Mod!

It is a modification that diversifies the ocean. Adds several pirates to the game with new killing abilities. They are not normal illargers. They are very aggressive and there are skirmishes between them when one of them hits them with a bullet. In mod you can also find pirate pistols and even a hand cannon! The mod is made by Mcreator however half the mod is coded (such as animations or combat systems)


If you want to support me subscribe to my channel Samran


Why Cannoner has 26 dmg !!! Because in my opinion, the "Projectile Protection " enchant was useless.

Cannoner only spawns in large ships

You can find a hidden chest under the Palm Island

Sometimes you can find a crew of the dead instead of a pirate crew

Sample Pirates:



That's how it worked KRAKEN HAS BEEN ADDED!

A huge monster haunting the oceans, known from sailing stories and legends!

Thank you CrimsonSteve for the animations and custom attack


650 HP 

12 DMG


Spawns only during an ocean storm (very rare)

Has some custom combat effects. Such as a bite that will make the player very fast attacks.

He is the most difficult boss of this mod. Arm yourself well!





TRAILER (If you want to subscribe to my channel I'll be happy:3): 

Kraken Boss Fight:

Spanish review:

You can learn a lot about this mod in this video:

 The pirate gun was inspired by the gun created by Scarecrow01
