Pixel Sauce Mod

Pixel Sauce Mod

Mountain Biome

Mountain Biome

A mountain biome with very tall mountains.
Biomes in the Lonely Lands

Biomes in the Lonely Lands

Here you can see some Biomes in the Lonely Lands: The stone desert, a mud swamp, a burnt forest and a volcano biome (ash desert)
Portal Room

Portal Room

The Portal Room at the center of the End with an already activated portal to the Lonely Lands.
Fire Armor

Fire Armor

Full fire armor and some invex blocks in the background
Vanilla Plants

Vanilla Plants

Screenshot of vanilla plants
Shield generator gui

Shield generator gui

Gui of the shield generator with some fire dust in it.
Purpis Ore

Purpis Ore

Screenshot of the Purpis ore, which is generated in the Nether


The banner of the Pixel Sauce Mod


A volcano in a ash desert biome.
Rain Sensor

Rain Sensor

Screenshot of the rain sensor. It outputs a redstone signal when it's raining.
Fire Plant

Fire Plant

A fire plant which grows on a block of redstone.
Invex Lake

Invex Lake

An Invex lake in the End.
Portanium Ore

Portanium Ore

Screenshot of the Portanium ore, which is generated in the End.