This datapack was made with The Origin Creator.
As an Addon, it depends on and requires Origins.
This origin tries to emulate the vague idea of DnD goblins, with powers referencing their feats, while trying to maintain itself as simple as possible.
Though rarely seen because of their cowardly disposition, goblins are inquisitive, fast and nimble and love to explore.
+ Darkvision: Allows you to partially see in the dark, regardless of the circumstances
+ Nimble footed: You are quick on your feet, able to outrun most danger. You move faster.
+ In Plainsight: You are an expert at hiding. While sneaking, you are invisible.
+ Without Trace: While sneaking, your steps are silent.
- Disproportionate Appetite: Despite your small size, you exhaust quicker and must eat more than others.
- Fragile Frame: You are of weaker frame. 2 less hearts
**Though the word small is mentioned, the addon does not modify player height. It is flavortext.
Darkvision power emulates the Darkvision feat.
Nimble Footed and In Plainsight powers attempt to emulate Nimble Escape feat's bonus action Disengage and Hide actions respectively.
Disproportionate Appetite and Fragile are made up, but added for balance. In spirit of keeping with the theme, they play on the tropes of small creatures with voracious appetites, and small creatures being fragile.
This origin was made for myself, but i hope you enjoy it if you happen upon it in the wild!