Plainful Start

Plainful Start


This small but unique mod adds several new things! Including a new ore. New tools, weapons and armour. A special biome similar to your average plains biome, a new mob and so much more!

Want to tinker around with brewing stands? Create the Plains potion for some unique effects. Are you more of a magic lover? Well try out the incredible Plains wand, you'll be taking down the dragon in no time.

Images are provided below:

Me finding natural Plains OreThis is me finding plains ore after fighting a few skeletons.

Plains ore can only be found under either the Deep Plains biome (new biome :D) or under a normal Plains biome.

Here is an image of a Plains wandThis is an image of the plains wand, it can be crafted using the Plains ore mentioned earlier.

If this mod interests you, give it a download! It's completely free and honestly just a fun small mod to keep around.