This is an early release of my simple terrain tweak. Here's some details:
1. Dense & Rare Ores (Under improvements):
Ores now generate in larger and rare chunks. The generation produces in a central tendency i.e. the deeper it is into its center, the more ore it is. Now merging BiomOre into this terrain tweak.
2. River (Under improvements):
Rivers generate "continuously", but sometimes, they loop.
Due to the height constraint, river does not go over tall mountains. As a result, we get this beautiful river tunnel.
3. Layered Cave
The middle part of the stones in the cave is filled with diorite while the blocks near the bedrock is filled with granite.
4. Nether Highway
Nether highway generates at the height of 64. Sometimes they loops just like rivers.
5. The End Decorative Path
The end is now slightly more decorative with these lighted path.
How to use the mod:
Place the mod into the mod directory.
Client Configuration (Singleplayer Mode):
All previewed above features can be deactivated/reactivated through game rules. By default, they are all enabled. In the client environment, you will get to use the command "/pttexport". This feature will be useful later when there are more parameters to tweak later. See future plans below.
Server Configuration (Multiplayer Mode):
The server configuration file can be found in "config" directory with the filename of "". To generate this file, you can head to your "mods" folder, and run this in the console:
java -jar plancs-terrain-tweak-<version>.jar
You can then head out of the "mods" directory, and head into the "config" directory to file the configuration file. Set any of value to "false" if you want to disable the feature.
Mod Compatibility:
1. Ore Mod: This mod is not compatible with any mods that provides new ores to the game if biomore is enabled. To use these mods, you have to disable biomore feature i.e. do /gamerule pttbiomore false on the client side, or do biomore=false in the configuration file on the server side.
2. Terrain Generation Mod: Currently, this mod is compatible with any terrain generation mods. However, the future feature of terrain generation may cause conflict with these mods.
Future Plans:
1. Add decorations to the new river.
2. Add other noise function such as Simplex.
3. Tweak more the end dimension
Side note: I am so sorry if the development is extremely slow. I just got myself into another important thing in life and unfortunately I have to put PTT into a lower priority. Thank you for enjoying my mod!