Plants & Syringes

Plants & Syringes


This mod adds some different plants that you can use to craft different types of syringes which give different abilities but they also come with downsides to them. This was inspired by the Far Cry and Resident Evil series, games that have a similar mechanic: Gathering different color leafs to make items that give you special abilities, although with RE there's only a healing item.

Current content: 



Empty Syringe: Its needed to craft all the syringes, it can be reused just watch out for diseases.

Healing Syringe: Gives you 9 hearts of instant health, no throwback. 

Hunting Syringe: Gives you the ability to see mobs through walls, but you have increased hunger.

Survival Syringe: Gives you the ability to resist more damage before dying, but you have increased hunger.

Overdose Syringe: Gives you the ability to deal more damage, but you have blindness and increased hunger. 

Plants and leafs:


Blue Plant: Can be found in watery surface biomes such as river, swamp, beaches, lake etc. Drops Blue Leaf.

Red Plant: Can be found in forest biomes such as Forest, Taiga, Snowy Taiga, Birch Forest etc. Drops Red Leaf.

Green Plant: Can be found in hot biomes such as Jungle, or Savanna, but also on Plains. Drops Green Leaf.

Yellow Plant: Can be found in Plains, Some Forest and the Savanna. Drops Yellow Leaf.

Extra content:1.0.0

Bundles: They're craftable again in order to make it easier to recollect leafs.

Recommend using JEI for the recipes.