- 7
Heat Frame causes error
#1125 opened by M3wP - 3
Global Var Remote Crash , ATM7 Modpack
#1126 opened by superjaja05 - 1
Universal Sensor Entity Filter Text Box Selecting/Un-selecting Itself
#1132 opened by CodyTheRed - 2
Drone teleportation accepts invalid world coordinates while carrying player
#1129 opened by aevns - 1
Visual bug with the Oculus mod
#1130 opened by DrSigma4164 - 2
Creeper Seeds are not dropping
#1134 opened by IgnisAstra - 1
Pressure Gauge render issue
#1136 opened by dredgemage - 5
Kerosene lamp doesn't like kerosene
#1137 opened by Bitgedon - 2
Fluid Tank bug
#1143 opened by Vo1d88 - 1
Heat Frame in 1.19.2-4.2.0-16 produces "please report" error and does not work
#1142 opened by DFireTech - 1
Expanded Redstone functionality
#1138 opened by AntonTakk - 1
Minigun Ammo duplication
#1139 opened by niclan051 - 4
Fuel Tab in Kerosene Lamp
#1140 opened by MuteTiefling - 2
Kerosene Lamps cause chunk saving problems
#1141 opened by Bitgedon - 2
Player Special Variable Config
#1149 opened by ShadowzOfTheDark - 1
In world rendering issue with tanks when Rubidium installed
#1150 opened by Branjoman - 3
Placing heatpipes causes neighbour tile updating spinlock
#1144 opened by Vectrobe - 1
Mekanism thermals only partly functioning
#1145 opened by Vectrobe - 3
Assembly Drill Brakes
#1146 opened by Bitgedon - 2
Display amount/unit on logistics filter entries with only 1 unit
#1147 opened by Shados - 2
presser mechanic JER name problem
#1148 opened by Acat1234 - 1
The game stops responding
#1151 opened by Developer2704 - 1
Update icon appears even though no new version is available
#1152 opened by CSdiscoveries - 4
Nature's Aura compat with Extraneous Firestarter
#1153 opened by MuteTiefling - 2
Can't retrieve fluids using buckets
#1154 opened by AlexiyOrlov - 1
Armor loosing functionality after going into free cam
#1155 opened by 1Euro7Cent - 2
Still getting Jade heat frame bug
#1156 opened by Wgairborne - 0
Saving of the contents of Air and Liquid Compressor when crafting into Advanced versions
#1157 opened by Wgairborne - 2
PneumaticCraft lamp will prevent to build mekanism multi-block structure
#1159 opened by zyxkad - 1
1.19.2 Liquid Compressors more customizable
#1160 opened by DevDyna - 4
unfixed minor error:: imcompatable x10 speed boost with collector drones
#1166 opened by tails1974seeyounextgame - 1
Pneumaticraft Drone's not registering entity types in 1.16.5
#1161 opened by Sp0okz98 - 2
Bamboo Harvesting
#1162 opened by Bitgedon - 1
Stress on server when using transfer gadget between two Quark Oddities storage crates
#1163 opened by Branjoman - 3
Block Tracker crash
#1164 opened by JWTHDYTWA - 1
Item Life Upgrade Description Missing in Armor Upgrade UI
#1167 opened by HipHopHuman - 1
Ability for drones to interact with item frames
#1168 opened by johalun - 1
Invalid dist markings
#1169 opened by RedstoneWizard08 - 1
Entity detection with universal sensor ignores area set with gps tool
#1170 opened by jlundberg-edgio - 3
Entity detection with universal sensor ignores area set with gps tool
#1171 opened by johalun - 1
[1.19.2] Dedicated server crash on startup due to HeatSink(s)
#1172 opened by Zeitheron - 3
Game crashes when loading
#1173 opened by BloxMaster3 - 3
[Config Addon] Max speed for jet boots upgrade
#1175 opened by zyxkad - 0
Minecraft won't load
#1174 opened by Vovaskaa - 2
Selling Chisels&Bits Blocks via Amadron crashes multiplayer servers in 1.12.2.
#1178 opened by HyperBeast43 - 3
Solar Compressor temperature cannot be reduced when the compressor is off
#1176 opened by belathus - 2
Fluid Duplication using PNC tanks
#1177 opened by belathus - 1
Block tag check drone programming piece
#1179 opened by ChiefArug - 7
Add support for Aquatic Animal entity filters
#1182 opened by HipHopHuman - 1
Carbon Fiber as a Renewable Compressed Iron Substitute
#1183 opened by Nathan-Harvey