Pocket Nether Link

Pocket Nether Link



If you're like me, you despise the Nether. It's inhospitable, repulsive and can be a source of a major lag, yet eventually you will have to visit the dimension in hunt of exclusive materials. No longer is this the case. Instead of building up a regular Nether portal, you can light a hand-sized portal. Although entities aren't able to cross to the other dimension, items passed through it are infused with the magical properties of the Pocket Nether Link and are transformed into their Nether equivalent.


Nether Link Recipes

Quartz Ore:

Quartz ore now spawns in the Overworld at y-levels 20 to 30 for all your decor needs!

Quartz Ore World Gen


Feel free to include this mod in any modpack you wish.


Mod Spotlights:

Spotlight by TPC Bonehound

Spotlight by i Febag [Italian]

Forum Post by painapoandy2 [Japanese]
