Poitnlessly Gated is a mod which separates vanilla Minecraft progression into several game stages. Most of the progression is documented through in-game advancements. First advancements appear after crafting first stone tools. For the best experience play with "/gamerule doLimitedCrafting true".
- Leather armor and stone tools
- Chainmail armor and stone tools
- Iron armor and tools
- Gold
- Emerald
- Diamond
- Netherite
- Ender infused star
Each of the stages ends with a boss fight in a generated vanilla structures.
This item can be obtained by right-clicking 4 nether stars and 1 dragon breath on a dragon egg. Next you have to blow the egg up.
A new set of golden armor and tools - Dense Gold - is available. Compared to regular gold it has buffed stats between iron and diamond armor.
Structure Locator can help you find generated vanilla structures. Shift + right-click to switch between structures, right-click to search. It can take up long ammount of time to find the structure especially when it is far away.