Currently in early stage of development!
!Warning! This mod was not made for open servers. Use it only on your private SMP's where you trust everyone.
Polygon Warpack once was an organization in TRPG, whose goal was to create the most powerful characters without breaking the rules. We created such monsters as Shimael fon Aeon, Zeitgeist, Armaros and Mr. Nothing. Polygon were on the crest of a wave, at the time we were winning tournament after tournament, destroying any group that dared to challenge us. In our affiliated group that organized fights and tournaments, we became a true legend; any of us appearing at an event was akin to the coming of Death itself. We were truly the strongest players at the time, completely unbeatable and absolutely deadly.
And so is the mod. I tried to make most deadly and strong items, against which even Avaritia or Draconic Evolution is like paper. Spear of Longinus easily pierces through any kind of shields, immortality and other things, and Meralium armor set makes you completely invincible.
Full list of feaures:
-- Spear of Longinus. Hit with it immediatily kills any entity that is hit-able. Right-click summons a deadly wave of narrative energy, erasing any entity in 20-block radius of the point where you look. Can be configured using Multidimensionalchronodipositron:
-- Inventory cleaning. Before kill, Spear will destroy any item that entity has.
-- Suicide mode. Spear will now count you as a target.
-- Forever death. Spear will now kill any player FOREVER. Targets will be deleted from the narrative and will never be able to respawn. Use with caution!
-- Meralium armor set. Grants you free flight, night vision, speed and jump boost, fully configurable. Makes you absolutely invincible, even for attacks of the Spear of Longinus. Kills any entity, that tries to attack you. Can use several functions from simple GUI:
-- Clear all effects from you.
-- If you have Spear of Longinus in your inventory, Meralium armor can condense its power into a powerful pulse, which erase any entity in a 100 block radius.
-- Teleport you to overworld.
-- Local narrative ring. Currently just a block that can not be broken.
-- Wedge-shaped spear. Gives you invincibility of Meralium armor while you are holding it.
-- Several enchantments:
-- Stabilized entropy. Upon hit, entity will be stabilized, unable to interact with blocks, entities, items, and even write in chat. Lasts for 2 seconds for every level of enchantment.
-- Meralium curse. This weapon will now be unable to kill any entity.
-- Scatter. Hit with this weapon will scatter inventory of a target, even off-hand and armor slots.
- Shivillur. A deadly, anti-memetic scythe, that will nullify any attributes target has. |CURRENTLY NOT WORKING BC 1.18|