Popcorn Smelting

Popcorn Smelting


No longer maintained.

Popcorn Smelting re-adds in-world smelting from Indev.

Drop an item in fire or lava, and it will be smelted.

Required on clients and servers, due to how it's implemented with a custom entity. Not easily fixed due to a lack of needed hooks in Forge, and I don't really want to add ASM to such a simple mod.

As of v1.3, CraftTweaker can be used to add Popcorn Smelting-specific recipes. The interface is identical to vanilla furnace recipes, except you must use "mods.popcornsmelting" instead of "furnace" for the method calls. There is also a config option to disable inheritance of vanilla furnace recipes.

For example:

mods.popcornsmelting.addRecipe(<minecraft:speckled_melon>, <minecraft:melon>, 1500); 

30 second demo video with no voice

More complete video overview by Mischief of Mice (does not cover v1.3 features)