Portal Gun Mod

Portal Gun Mod


Portal Gun Mod

 Only for Forge 1.20.1 (probably won´t be porting to any other version)

Portals ! 

With this mod, you will be able to create portals wherever you please. Great for traversing great distances and getting away from danger!

Portal Gif

Portal Fluids

This mod adds a few portal fluids in a bottle form and in a more usable portal gun ammunition form. Each liquid does something different. 

Precursor Portal Liquid - Only in potion form, is drinkable but drinking it is not recommended

Unstable Portal Liquid - Incomplete, unstable form of portal liquid. It's dangerous and should be handeled with caution

Stable Portal Liquid - Complete form of portal liquid. Capable of always creating a stable portal for a few seconds. Its destination may be set via the Portal gun. If the Portal gun fails to set it its position or if the liquid was just thrown using a bottle, it will result in a portal leading to somewhere random.

Portal Liquids

Portal Gun

Portal gun is capable of shooting out the unstable portal liquid or the stable portal liquid when the liquids are stored inside a proper container. It can reliably set the destination of a stable portal liquid.

The Portal Gun
