(How to make the portal frame to the potato dimension, [Only the potato blocks are required, the rest is just decoration to make it look nicer.])
Welcome to PotatsA mod based entirely around potatoes. Yes, I actually made a potato mod.
This mod is one of my strangest ones, but I promise it is just as incredible as your traditional mod, this mod contains several potato-based items, blocks, and even a potato dimension.
Here is a screenshot of every block and item (currently)
Stuff in Order:
Potato Crate (made with 9 potatoes)
Potato Block (made with 4 potatoes)
Pota Log/Wood (found in the potato dimension)
Pota Planks (created from the Pota Logs)
Pota Leaves (Leaves on Pota trees)
Pota Slab and Stairs (Stairs and Slab created from Pota Planks)
Pota Fence and Gate (Created from pota planks)
Pota pressure plate and button (still created from pota planks)
Potato Ingot (Created when you smith a potato with any Ingot)
Diamond Potato (The item used to light the portal, created by surrounding a potato with 8 diamonds)
When you enter the Potato Dimension, you'll be greeted with a dimension covered in potato blocks. It is definitely a bland dimension, just like the blandness of a potato.
If you explore far enough you'll find a Pota Jungle. There you will find the Pota Trees.
Pota trees are the fastest mining trees in Minecraft, even using an iron axe feels like efficiency V, after all. It's a wood type made of potatoes.
I haven't added Pota doors yet, so you will have to make do with pota gates for now.
Well, that is essentially all I have to mention. If this mod interests you, give it a download, it supports me and keeps me motivated to make mods.