Potion Mixer

Potion Mixer


Potion Mixer


Potion Mixer's Cauldron

The Potion Mixer's Cauldron can be made with 7 Iron Ingots and 1 Brewing Stand

Recipe, 7 Iron in cauldron shape, 1 Brewing Stand in center


Uninteresting Potion

The Uninteresting Potion can be made by brewing Water Bottles with a Water Bottle.

Potion Mixing

  1. Place Potion Mixer's Cauldron.
  2. Drop either 3 Uninteresting Potions in , or right click with water bucket and drop 1 Uninteresting Potion in.
  3. Drop the potions that you want into the cauldron. (Watch out for some side-effects of overpowered potions)
  4. Scoop out potion with empty glasss bottle.