- 3
Powered Snowball
#58 opened by DinnerBeef - 1
You're making your Energizing recipes way too early.
#57 opened by jaredlll08 - 2
Please stop making scripts each time the game loads
#56 opened by jaredlll08 - 3
Strange Issue Setting Redstone mode
#55 opened by DinnerBeef - 3
Magmatic Generator can void excess lava
#54 opened by NielsPilgaard - 1
Redstone Setting affects ability to input
#53 opened by NielsPilgaard - 1
JEI Energizing
#52 opened by Sunekaer - 4
Compressed Packet Possible Issue
#51 opened - 1
1.15.2 update
#50 opened by OlRusty - 3
[1.15.1/?] Feature registration happening during synchronous event leading to potential race condition
#49 opened by noobanidus - 2
[Bug] Recipes do not generate properly in multiplayer. Tested on "Open to LAN".
#48 opened by LeafSoap - 3
[Powah 1.15.2-1.1.4] [Lollipop 1.15.2-1.0.6] Binding card (Dimensional) crash
#47 opened by QPUNeptune - 2
bindig card crash
#46 opened by MUHAKLorTheDorfTrottel4Github - 3
Solar panel crashing on servers.
#45 opened by Darkere - 2
Reactor Block doesn't form on server.
#44 opened by Yamza - 2
Cant place on 1.15.2 ATM5 server
#43 opened by karlreinert - 3
[Feature Request] Config Sorting
#42 opened by NielsPilgaard - 1
Feature Request: Starter" and "Nitro" for 1.14.4
#41 opened by CarlucciMods - 2
Manual 2 items pages has the same text
#40 opened by Sunekaer - 5
[1.15.2-1.0.2] Ticking Block Entity
#39 opened by kreezxil - 1
Energizing Orb Item Vanishing
#38 opened by DJToxica - 1
[Suggestion] for reactor
#37 opened by ChilledDayZ07 - 6
Negative buffer on Furnator
#35 opened by asimenio-asteri - 1
Texture conflict with Soartex Fanver x64 texture pack or any pack I use !
#34 opened by CarlucciMods - 3
Formerly "Requesting Energizing orb hold only one item per round of energizing. #30"
#33 opened by CarlucciMods - 1
1.12 build
#32 opened by LordEpos - 1
Upgrades ? no one has any detailed info on this, maybe we can get a book made ?
#31 opened by CarlucciMods - 10
Requesting Energizing orb hold only one item per round of energizing.
#30 opened by CarlucciMods - 1
#29 opened by CarlucciMods - 2
Textures not loading in newest version
#28 opened by CarlucciMods - 3
Server Crashing due to new config file,
#27 opened by CarlucciMods - 1
This version crashing server
#26 opened by CarlucciMods - 0
Ender energy transfer works in SP not MP
#25 opened by MrThreat - 3
Game crash on right click?
#24 opened by FuuNoKamiOka - 2
Suggestions for upcoming mod
#23 opened - 3
(suggestion):more logistics
#22 opened - 1
(Featurerequest) Allow the energizing orb to be placed on walls or the ceiling
#21 opened by MatthiasMann - 1
checkEnergyTile() is executed twice for non cable tiles
#20 opened by MatthiasMann - 1
Cables don't connect with Enigeer's Decor small solar panel
#19 opened by MatthiasMann - 5
Crash when adding binding card to player transmitter
#18 opened by dragon076 - 4
Solid cables
#17 opened by cweckerl - 1
Crash with Optifine
#16 opened by Mad-Gnome - 1
Wrench in player's inventory causes server-side Exception
#15 opened by Tander - 3
#14 opened by Serzh812 - 9
(Futurerequest) Cable facades / hiding cables
#13 opened by MatthiasMann - 1
Latest release bug
#12 opened by ChilledDayZ07 - 3
#11 opened by Serzh812 - 1
#10 opened by Serzh812 - 2
Significant TPS degradation; additionally, multiple connections result in no power transfer
#9 opened by noobanidus - 3
#8 opened by Serzh812