


Whats New?

Supported Versions: We are currently planning to support 1.12, 1.18.2 and 1.19.2 at this time. Note: No other minecraft versions will be supported in any fashion.

Discord: We've created a new Discord that you can use to reach out to us with problems, solutions, ideas, musings, thoughts, commentary and anything else you may want to share with us and the community of Prefab users.  Just remember to keep your contributions constructive and friendly for all ages. 

Let's build something cool together!

 Fabric Version: We migrated Prefab to Fabric! We plan on keeping both projects up to date with structures and fixes if they make sense for both projects. Thank you all for your interest in a Fabric version and all of your continued support. You can find the page here:

Breaking Changes for 1.12.2 Mod Version!!!!!

The update changes block registration names in order to conform to 1.13 and later standards. This was done to ensure that backporting any blocks or items can be done easier in the future.

This means that if you created ANY of the Compressed Stone, Compressed Dirt, Compressed Glowstone, or Compressed Obsidian blocks they WILL BE LOST when using this new version. It is recommended that you either use this version in new worlds or you break down the compressed blocks into their un-compressed states before applying this update.


Prefab is a collection of functional and aesthetic buildings that you can place into your world instantly!  With our instant houses and structures, you can skip over the time-consuming job of landscaping, and trying to build without a creeper undoing your work.  Our preview function lets you see the structure in the world and move through a projection of it in real time.  Just pick the place you want to put it, and the Prefab Blueprints do the rest!  Whether you haven't got the time, patience or will, we've got structures that are guaranteed to please some of you, but not all of you. :)

More structures are being developed and added as the mod progresses (and we have ideas/time!), so be on the lookout.  Feel free to share requests and constructive criticism in the comments.

Note: Since this has been asked so many times in the past. There are no plans to create a feature for custom blueprints or loading custom structures outside of the ones provided by this mod. 

This functionality already exists with Structurize and we highly recommend it.

Mod Spotlights

Mod Spotlight from Lava Temptress!

Blocks and Items Added

For a complete list of blocks and items added by this mod, please view the CurseForge Pages Wiki here:

Home Page - Pages - Prefab - Mods - Projects - CurseForge

Structure Preview

All structure GUIs include a "preview" button. This will create a shadow structure in the world for you to see what it will look like when it's placed. This will give you the opportunity to make sure that you have enough space for the structure or to make sure that it will be placed where you want it to be placed.

Block facings for fences, torches and other similar blocks will most likely not have their proper facing when rendered in this fashion, they will look correct when placed.

Note: This functionality was adapted from Botania's Visualize functionality. The mod info and source code has been updated to state as such as well.

Note: Make sure your graphics setting is set to "Fancy" otherwise this functionality will not work

Translation Contributors

Thank you to all of the people (found below) which have contributed to the translation of this mod! These translations make this mod more accessible to more people.

Kellixon(Github) - Russian

Snowee(Github) - Chinese (Simplified)

blackblank_1973 (Curse User) - Japanese

Emirhangg (Github) - Turkish

HJ-zhtw(Github) - Chinese (Traditional)

Dqu1J (GitHub) - Russian, Ukrainian

BlackWolf00 (GitHub) - Italian

Google Translate - French, Spanish

Structure Contributors

Thank you to all of the people (found below) which have contributed structures to this mod!

These contributions are what keep this mod alive and exciting!

Yashjit - Modern Everything, we're only out of the dark ages because of these contributions!

Dqu1J - Textures, Library, Code Updates, General Awesomness

AVeryNerdySpider - Workshop, Ski Lodge, Nether Moderate House, Mountain Moderate House, Ideas

Kaojinn - Original Recipe Contributor, Textures, Ideas, Textures

Contributing Structures

If you want to contribute a cool custom structure for others to enjoy, we have some guidelines.

  1. You must use vanilla blocks or blocks added through this mod. If you think you need a custom block for the design; let us know and we can create that too.
  2. We reserve the right to change the design as necessary for balance or aesthetics.
  3. If you want, you will be credited for contributions on the mod page.
  4. Provide your sample world through the Discord server. Please be sure to include pictures so the community can be excited about it!
  5. Provide a description of this building. What would it be used for or is this just an aesthetic building?

In The Works

  1. We will be updating the icons for most of the prefabs before pushing out a release for 1.19.X.
  2. New prefabs will be added.
  3. Some old prefabs will be re-done.
  4. At least one prefab will be removed.
  5. We are re-naming some structure item tiers, this will be a breaking change for 1.19.X
  6. Instant bridge sides will be fences instead of blocks, so villagers don't fall to their doom.
  7. Adding configuration options to help out server admins and modpack devs so they have more control over what is available.
  8. All of these take time, we recognize that 1.19 has been out for a while but we want to make sure we had some really awesome updates for the community for this major release of the game.



Feel free to use this mod in any Modpack, we just ask that you please link back to this mod page in your description.