Prehistoric Nature Fossils

Prehistoric Nature Fossils



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This mod adds displayable fossils to the Prehistoric Nature mod. The fossils can be found as drops while breaking the Prehistoric Nature fossiliferous stone with a geologic pick. Fossils come in one or many parts: to begin just place the fossil like a block, and then add to it to gradually by placing matching parts onto it to assemble the full model. You can rotate the displays by right-clicking, and pressing F10 will show you where the main block is placed, which may be helpful to see for the larger ones.

Have fun!

Prehistoric Nature Fossils is a closed source mod, licensed as All Rights Reserved for all versions. This means that you are not able to use any assets from this mod anywhere else. You are not allowed to create add-in mods relying on or interacting with this mod's own code or assets without explicit prior permission from the mod owner - please contact me. All content which does not already belong to Mojang/Microsoft is claimed as the mod owner's property with no exceptions. You can include the mod in a modpack provided that it is acknowledged. You can make language packs or resourcepacks for the mod and publish those. You cannot port this mod to any other version, platform, game or medium. You cannot make derivative works using or based on anything inside this mod. Distribution of the mod is per the terms of use of CurseForge. Please see the license included in the latest version for full information. It is your responsibility to check the licence currently in force for all versions by checking that bundled with the latest update.

Do you want to your own server to play this, or any other mods with friends? Drop my promotional code aechtrob into your order and pick up a cool 25% off with the wonderful Bisect Hosting by clicking on the image:

Disclaimer: I have nothing to do with the Fossils and Archeology mod and this mod is not linked to their development in any way at all, and carries no dependencies.