Spelunker's Charm

Spelunker's Charm


Looking to spice up cave exploration? Feeling it's still boring even after Caves and Cliffs.

Look no further!

Fabric is on pause and will not be coming anytime soon!!!

This mod cannot be ported to 1.16.5 due to code issues
For 1.18.2, dynamic lights to work (Candle Helmet) please download Dynamic Lights by TeamDeusVult

For 1.19.2, Lucent is needed and is already listed as a dependency.

Spelunker's Charm adds underground earthquakes, new items, and many cave features to spice up mining!


  • Occasional rumble sounds when exploring in and around the deep slate level. Adds to the ambience and fear.
  • Rare tremors - Blocks will crack, stalactites will fall, and running will be difficult. But no worries, tremors do not break blocks, they just visually crack them.
    • Rocks and stalactites will not fall if there is wood in a 3x3 area around the block that cracked during a tremor!
    • Tremors can be caused by TNT explosions or creepers exploding deep in caves!
  • Detonator - Similar to the lever, but has a higher blast resistance.
  • Candle Helmet - A candle on a helmet to help light caves on your mining adventures!
  • Zombie/Skeleton miners!
  • Cave Pots - To grant players useful items while mining, such as sticks, torches, etc... Gamerule to toggle their generation on and off.
  • Golden Mushrooms - Rare mushrooms found deep underground. Can be brewed into haste potions. Also can be farmed with bonemeal!
  • Rocks - Comes in stone, deepslate, dripstone, and clay pile variants.
  • Stones - Found on the ground and drop from tremors. They can be made into their rock type block versions or thrown.
  • And more!
  • Added Herobrine back...

Upcoming Update

  • Tremors cannot happen in lush caves, making them more like an oasis.
  • Tremor command - Start and stop tremors from happening.
  • Tremor intensity factor - Now tremors can have different intensities. Multiple tnt exploding causes tremor intensity to increase.


  • Depth Meter - Displays y level on HUD of player!
  • Some new generated structures
  • Molten Cave Biome - A fiery biome full of magma blocks, lava gyers that react to tremors, and new stone types.
  • Underground Shrines
  • Item Geodes, able to break them open to get random items!
  • Deepslate Geysers - Found near the bottom of the world. Shoots lava sprouts into the air when lava is under the block. If water is under, it will shoot steam

