Config Suggestions
milkev opened this issue · 1 comments
As a fan of config & customization, I thought I'd recommend a few config options;
TreesRequireTool - boolean defining if the player is required to have an axe to break a tree or not. I'll be honest this is the primary one I want, as most of the mods content seems really cool, I just want my players to be able to mine tree's normally.
AnimalPeltInsteadOfLeather - boolean defining if animals should drop animal pelts instead of leather.
WoolScrapInsteadOfWool - boolean defining if sheep should drop wool scrap instead of wool.
SpawnTwigsAndPebbles - boolean defining if twigs and pebbles should be generated in the world. Primarily could be a performance concern for people on lower end hardware.
As a fan of config & customization, I thought I'd recommend a few config options;
TreesRequireTool - boolean defining if the player is required to have an axe to break a tree or not. I'll be honest this is the primary one I want, as most of the mods content seems really cool, I just want my players to be able to mine tree's normally.
AnimalPeltInsteadOfLeather - boolean defining if animals should drop animal pelts instead of leather.
WoolScrapInsteadOfWool - boolean defining if sheep should drop wool scrap instead of wool.
SpawnTwigsAndPebbles - boolean defining if twigs and pebbles should be generated in the world. Primarily could be a performance concern for people on lower end hardware.
thx, i will add it soon