- 0
Torches can't be collected by hand
#14 opened by Whitebrim - 2
Can't forge items with other mallet
#12 opened by fluor4te - 0
Add tags
#13 opened by Whitebrim - 9
Primal Stage Guide Suggestion
#3 opened by Amarius1 - 6
Hello, are you thinking about multilingualism for Primal Stage
#1 opened by canniand - 3
EMI Compatibility [Feature Request]
#2 opened by KirboSoftware - 1
Config Suggestions
#4 opened by milkev - 4
Crash on dedicated server
#5 opened by acikek - 1
[Question] Port Related
#6 opened by accessdenied0 - 2
Flint tools are better than wood and stone
#7 opened by KirboSoftware - 0
Restore EMI plugin
#8 opened by acikek - 2
Missing items
#9 opened by TheSexyYeti - 1
Op tools
#11 opened by Aabaddon - 0
ClothConfig API is not marked as required but when missing primal crashes the game.
#15 opened by Lancelotbronner - 0
Campfire Support for Kiln and Grill?
#16 opened by StockiesLad