prime drink

prime drink


there are prime drinks, 4 new blocks, 2 new bosses ksi and logan paul, new structures with prime, a new powerfull weapon, and a new prime dimansion and to be more clear there is prime lemonade which you can drink ,prime strawberry which you can drink, prime raspberry which you can drink, forest prime which you can drink, prime raspberry but with red bottle which you can drink and ice pop prime which you can also drink, these prime's i talked about are in 1 structure the rest of the prime's are not in this structure and the structure is called prime shop. The rest of the primes are glowberry prime which you can find in the structure old prime place and in that structure there is a portal ingniter for prime dimansion on an item frame and the portal. once you enter the prime dimansion you can find logan paul and ksi if you kill either ksi or logan paul you will get the first prime. also in the prime dimansion you can find a structure with an item frame that has the matterial that prime is made from. you can also find many prime packs and glowberry prime blocks in the prime dimannsion but with the prime packs and the secret matterial you can create the ultimate prime now these are all the primes. but last thing is that you can make a very powerfull sword from the ultimate prime and the first prime. *just to know now in prime mod 1.1 i just changed something wrong with the prime's sword texture not much but im planing on adding new things to the future