Primitive Potions is a mod I made with MCreator (but give it a chance, it's quite well polished) and adds 13 vanilla-style potion effects to Minecraft:
(When I talk about the rate of a potion effect, I mean it happens at a speed similar to poison damage: roughly once every 3 seconds)
- Reaching - Increases your base reach distance by 3 for each level of the potion
- Solidity - Increases your base knockback resistance by 3 for each level of the potion
- Iron Skin - Increases your base armor value by 3 for each level of the potion (Even if you're not wearing armor, you will still have 3 armor points per level)
- Diamond Skin - Increases your base armor toughness value by 3 for each level of the potion (When you're wearing armor, any damage that would normally bypass it is reduced)
- Repairing - Any armor you're wearing or items you're holding in either hand will regain 3 durability at a rate
- Photosynthesis - If you are in the overworld, and you can see the sky, and it's day time, you will regain 1 hunger point at a rate
- Revival - If you die while you have this potion effect, you will be saved and regain 3 hearts (essentially a totem as a potion)
- Cure - Instantly removes all bad effects (doesn't support modded ones) from an entity and then is removed.
- Corrosion - Any armor you're wearing or items you're holding in either hand will lose 3 durability at a rate
- Drowning - Unless your head is underwater, you will take drowning damage. However, while underwater you will not lose oxygen.
- Combustion - You will be set on fire for a (literal) second every 'at a rate'
- Dispel - Instantly removes all good effects (doesn't support modded ones) from an entity and then is removed.
- Confusion - Shuffles all items in your inventory (yes, even you're hot bar, and no not your armor or other modded inventory slots) every 'at a rate'
All effect can be disabled through the config. (Everything can still be crafted and used, but the effects won't do anything)