Progression Reloaded

Progression Reloaded


 Old map styled logo of progression reloaded

Progression Reloaded is a mod that aims to be a successor to Better Questing and Progression as those mods never got updated to newer versions of minecraft.

Current features:

  • quests —> tasks for players to complete with rewards and a lot of different criteria that need to be satisfied to gain the quest
  • levels —> a frame around a certain number of quests with its own rewards (a level is complete when all main quests of a level have been completed)
  • Teams —> play with your friends, create a team and all your quests, levels and their progress will be synced between all members of a team (teams can be created via in-game commands)
  • Cheat protection —> when changing your gamemode to creative, your level is being changed to a creative-level with no quests, your current level and its progress will be saved and when changing your gamemode back to survival the level will be restored (toggleable via config)
  • Automatically disables minecrafts in-game advancements —> toggleable via config
  • Define the starting level a player get‘s assigned when joining a world for the first time via the config (when starting a new creative world your starting level will be the creative-level except you have disabled the cheat protection via the config, then it will be your defined starting level)

Currently missing/ planned features:

  • completely customisable UI for Quests and Levels, e.g. Questbook—> you currently have to directly edit the json files to add, edit or remove quests and levels
  • Different quest lines per level —> currently you can only have one quest line per level
  • Plaques for achieving a quest or level (a little bit like advancements plaques)
  • Player Abilities —> in future you will be able to define what a player can do and how the game will react to the player depending on the level a player has (a little bit like game stages but with already build-in support for the most important actions like mob killing and spawning, block breaking and placing, item pickup and crafting, dimension changing and much more)
  • Feel free to submit ideas for features or changes in the comment section or via the issues page

Please note: The mod is currently in an alpha state, so you might encounter bugs and other problems when using the mod. Therefore using the mod in it’s current state is at your own risk!

When encountering bugs or unexpected behaviour please report them under the issues tab!