Progressive Automation

Progressive Automation


This mod provides low tech automation tools for common tasks. The tools are upgradable as the player progresses.

You can discuss the mod on my forum post where I'm most likely to see it.

And bugs should be reported to my issue tracker on github.

Some of the cool things the mod adds are:

  • A low tech miner that uses normal fuel. Replacing the the mined area with cobble and infinitely expandable (with enough resources).
  • A simple tree farm that plants and chop trees.
  • A simple plant farm that plants and harvests crops.
  • A crafting machine that will autocraft using the contents of the inventory.
  • A Killer machine that will attack mobs, animals and even players.
  • An Animal Farmer to breed your animals, gather eggs, shear sheep and milk cows.
  • A simple generator that gets more efficient as it's upgraded.
  • End game tools that a very tough to break

Support my continued development of this mod on Patreon

You can see my spotlight of the main features of the mod here:

Mod requires Forge to be installed.

While I will try and keep this page updated as much as possible. The main source of information on using the mod will be found at my github wiki page.

Supported Mods:

The various machines directly support the following mods (and others too):

  • Tinkers Construct: All machines can take TiC tools!
  • Agricraft Crops
  • Pams Crops
  • Pnumaticraft Crops
  • Most of Natura Stuff
  • Right click Crops (Most mods that change crops to use right clicking to harvest)