- 2
crash at startup
#1101 opened by ARatfat - 3
Crash with Install and Startup
#1102 opened by RobertLSnead - 1
[1.10.2] Diamond Sickle localisation name incorrect
#1103 opened by Morpheus1101 - 1
Client DC when changing timer setting
#1104 opened by jerry1333 - 7
crash with rendering items and blocks
#1100 opened by 0Navis0 - 2
[1.10.2] Client Crash When mining Volcano basalt blocks
#1107 opened by Morpheus1101 - 1
Server won't Start with Chicken Bones
#1108 opened by Ra-Zim - 2
So #1105 is being caused
#1109 opened by MetaverseRPN - 1
[1.10.2] ProjectRed on curse launcher downloads the wrong multipart mod that is 1.7, causing instant crash.
#1110 opened by jawsawn - 2
[1.10.2] Add ProjectE container support (Alchemical chest and Energy Condensers)
#1111 opened by jawsawn - 0
So this happened...
#1105 opened - 3
Making Electrotine blocks causes crash
#1106 opened by RiC0MD - 6
Crafting Chip does not request from other crafting chips in same interface pipe
#1113 opened by zaped212 - 1
[1.10.2] Solar panel and tubes didn't place
#1114 opened by id3adl0rd - 2
[1.10.2] Timer UI button crash(Disconnect)
#1112 opened by DeadSix27 - 1
[1.10.2] Client crash when trying to mine basalt with digital miner from mekanism.
#1119 opened by sybershot - 2
[1.10.2] Crash when trying to place Block placer.
#1120 opened by sybershot - 1
The "microblocks.cfg" configuration file is not creating extra microblocks.
#1121 opened by crosenquist - 5
[1.10.2] client disconnecting when chaning timer interval
#1122 opened by enricotagliavini - 2
Buttons removed?
#1123 opened by D3nnis3n - 3
Stock chip creates multiple requests for "long" production time items
#1115 opened by zaped212 - 1
[1.10.2] Timer cause disconnect from server, when changing it's time
#1116 opened by Wadimich - 2
[1.10.2] Crashed while tinkering with ProjectRed
#1117 opened by Xiaminou - 1
Invalid curse/automatic download
#1118 opened by CorneliusCornbread - 7
[1.10.2] Wires crash
#1126 opened by mrapplexz - 2
[1.10.2] Placing a torch in a torch (multipart) disconnects client (no crash)
#1127 opened by DeadSix27 - 1
[1.10.2] Console spam
#1124 opened by Wadimich - 3
[1.10.2] Forge Multipart causes crash
#1125 opened by SirOutlander - 3
[1.10.2] ProjectRed calls for wrong dependency versions
#1130 opened by Zedrimar - 1
[1.10.2] Client disconnects from server when using Timer interval GUI
#1128 opened by DentedLeftFender - 3
Instant Crash after Installing ProjectRed [1.10.2]
#1129 opened by Zedrimar - 1
[1.10.2] 3D Logic Wires crash at startup
#1133 opened by Marcel40625 - 1
[1.7.10-1.10.2] Integration with WorldGurad
#1134 opened by skar404 - 1
#1135 opened by bookerthegeek - 4
[1.10.2] Marble don't chisel
#1136 opened by ZorbaHerbalist - 1
[1.10.2] Basalt stone does not drop
#1131 opened by w2w2-2 - 1
[1.10.2]Green sapphire block crash
#1132 opened by w2w2-2 - 1
Draw Plate not craftable (Not in JEI at least)
#1139 opened by tfox83 - 1
Game crush 1.10.2
#1137 opened by KiraLinux - 1
[1.10.2] Crashes when loading chunks with a PR creation in them
#1138 opened by tralce - 1
Tesselating CCL Block - Client Crash
#1141 opened by Ra-Zim - 1
[1.10.2] Inverted Lamps show up non-inverted when placed by other players
#1142 opened by Xiaminou - 1
[1.10.2] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException RenderWire.scala
#1143 opened by everseeking - 2
1.6.4 download
#1140 opened by leosefcik - 1
Dup 1.7.10
#1144 opened by Pilad - 8
[1.7.10] Dupe microblocks
#1145 opened by Master26 - 3
Project Red Transmission Crashing 1.10 server
#1146 opened by Boolyman - 4
I can't place any gate in the world!
#1147 opened by MateusMoreiraBR - 2
1.10.2 - Game Crash with OptiFine
#1150 opened - 2
No way to place Redstone Pressure Tubes using Block Placers.
#1149 opened by dyleighba