Protect It

Protect It



 Amazonwish list

 GitHub: protect it @ github

 Discord: gottsch's mods @ discord

Protect It is currently built for Forge 1.16.5+. It is a tiny, "land claim" mod to protect specified areas. I developed it to use in my PiPack series modpacks (for hosting on Raspberry Pi), however it can be used on any world.


To claim a land area, you need to place a **claim stake** block. This will highlight the area that will be claimed. Then you can use (right-click) the block to make the claim. The claim stake block will be removed from the world. There are 4 claim stake blocks - 3 of different area sizes, and 1 for removing claims. Note that the claim size on the y-axis stretches in both directions from the position the of the stake.

ex. Stake pos = (0, 0, 0), the size area will be from (0, -8, 0) to (8, 8, 8).


Yellow = Small Claim Stake. Size = 8x16x8

Cyan = Medium Claim Stake. Size = 16x32x16

Green = Large Claim Stake. Size = 32x64x32

Black = Remove Claim Stake.

Figure 1. Small Claim boundaries around house.


Claim Lectern \ Claim Access Manifest: Docs under development

Claim Lever: Docs under development


/protect [block | pvp] [add | remove | list | clear] [pos | uuid] args: commands are consolidated into one command.

ex. /protect block add 0 63 0 10 63 10 : area is protected against all players.

ex. /protect block add 0 63 0 10 63 10 @gottsch : area is owned by gottsch, protected against all other players.

ex. /protect block remove [uuid] : remove all protections owned by the uuid

ex. /protect block remove 0 63 0 10 63 10 : remove all protections that intersects with the area.

Q: Why does add use player entity and remove uses player uuid?

A: Because adding involves selecting a player that is currently in game. The name and uuid is stored. Removing does not require the player to be in game. Ex. a player quits and is taking and you need to free up those areas. Also, names can change over time so using the uuid is required.

Protects against:

block break

block place

block tool interaction

living destroy block


and piston movement