ProtoT1me`s Additions

ProtoT1me`s Additions


ProtoT1me`s Additions 

at the moment it adds Stuff from Wandering trader. 1 New metal Wandering Bag, Zombie Serum and little Netherite Niggets. but don't worry i'm work to adds MORE items and tools

  • Wandering Bag

     This item drops from Wandering trader with 50% chanse and can be opened

  • Zombie Serum

    Drop from Wandering Bag and used to infect Villagers

  • Netherite Nugget

    Drop from Wandering Bag and used to craft netherite scrap

  • Traveler Stuff

     Ingots and tools from new metal

If you find bug or you want to tell me you ideas write in coments

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