Pufferfish's Attributes [Fabric & Forge & NeoForge]

Pufferfish's Attributes [Fabric & Forge & NeoForge]


Pufferfish's Attributes


This mod adds new attributes to the game. Originally it was a part of Pufferfish's Skills mod, but was split and now can be used independently.


Some attributes work different from vanilla ones. Instead of providing a value they modify dynamic values using addition or multiplication. For example damage dealt by attacking using various weapons. They work like normal attributes, but their base value is internally set to the dynamic value. Changing base value of these attributes is not possible, because it is permanently set to NaN. These attributes are marked as dynamic in their description below.

  • Stamina
  • Melee Damage
  • Ranged damage
  • Fortune
  • Healing
  • Jump
  • Resistance
  • Mining Speed
  • Pickaxe Speed
  • Axe Speed
  • Shovel Speed
  • Sprinting Speed
  • Knockback
  • Repair Cost


Attribute puffish_attributes:player.stamina allows to change hard coded stamina value, which is 4 by default. Stamina determines how much exhaustion player must collect to decrease food/saturation points.

Melee Damage

Dynamic attribute puffish_attributes:player.melee_damage modifies damage dealt using melee weapons.

Ranged damage

Dynamic attribute puffish_attributes:player.ranged_damage modifies damage dealt using ranged weapons.


Dynamic attribute puffish_attributes:player.fortune modifies fortune when mining a block, also applies without having fortune enchant on the item.


Dynamic attribute puffish_attributes:player.healing modifies how much health is restored by natural regeneration.


Dynamic attribute puffish_attributes:player.jump modifies how high player can jump.


Dynamic attribute puffish_attributes:player.resistance modifies resistance of the player.

Mining Speed

Dynamic attribute puffish_attributes:player.mining_speed modifies mining speed of all tools for the player.

Pickaxe Speed

Dynamic attribute puffish_attributes:player.mining_speed modifies speed of all pickaxes for the player.

Axe Speed

Dynamic attribute puffish_attributes:player.mining_speed modifies speed of all axes for the player.

Shovel Speed

Dynamic attribute puffish_attributes:player.mining_speed modifies speed of all shovels for the player.

Sprinting Speed

Dynamic attribute puffish_attributes:player.sprinting_speed modifies sprinting speed of the player.


Dynamic attribute puffish_attributes:player.knockback modifies knockback power of the player.

Repair Cost

Dynamic attribute puffish_attributes:player.repair_cost modifies anvil repair cost for the player.


This mod supports both Forge and Fabric. It may conflict with other mods that add similar attributes. Please report an issue if you find an incompatibility.

It is incompatibility with every version below 0.12.0 of Pufferfish's Skills, because that versions includes everything that Pufferfish's Attributes adds. However, version 0.12.0 of Pufferfish's Skills, when released, will no longer contain Pufferfish's Attributes, therefore these mods will be compatible.


Versions that are maintained and will receive future updates are: 1.18.2, 1.19.2, 1.19.4, 1.20, 1.20.2, 1.20.4, 1.21.


You can use this mod in your modpack as long as you do not redistribute this mod.