Pure S'mores (Fabric/Forge)

Pure S'mores (Fabric/Forge)




πŸ“˜ About this mod:


Pure S'Mores is a small, simple mod that adds a fun new item to your game: The Smore! Eat delicious treats around a campfire with your digital crafting friends. 

πŸ“– What's inside:

v1.0.0 - Initial release!

πŸ™‹‍♂️ FAQ:

Q: Will you backport to any older versions? 
No. I prefer to keep my attention on the latest versions. 


Q: Does this work on version ____?
Try it and see! If it does, please comment so I can mark it. 


Q: Is the Forge version really a beta?
 No. I mark the Fabric versions as 🟩Release, and the Forge versions as 🟦Beta. I won't upload a beta release here. 


Q: Are you taking recommendations?
 Yes! Please head over to the issues tab, and open a new suggestion.


Q: This mod feels a bit overpowered/underpowered. Is there a config?
 There is no config at this time. As I am relatively new to mod making, creating a config that works with Fabric and Forge is quite difficult. I'm hopeful in the future, there will be a config. If you have comments about this mod, please join the Discord and share your thoughts. 


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