Purge It

Purge It


Purge It

Server Side Admin tool for removing Entities and BlockEntities at your discretion.


Currently, there is zero configuration needed as no config exists at the moment, it might not ever need one either.
This mod simply gives you the Admin or Mod, commands to remove Entities, Living Entities, and BlockEntities from your worlds as you need or want.

The command syntax is pretty straight forward:

- /purge remove <Entity|BlockEntity> ModID:Name


There're currently two additional arguments you may supply;
The first argument is a Dimension, (To control it only running in that world, this works for both Entity and BlockEntity Removals)
The Second Argument is `--force`(This only works when removing BlockEntities, and when you use it, it will read every active chunk and forcefully remove the block entity without missing a single one!)

When Removing Block Entities, you may use both Dimension & --force together so that it forcefully removes the BlockEntity in the specific world.

For a detailed explanation along with examples of the command usage, please open the spoiler below!

- /purge remove entity modID:EntityName
Removes the Entity/LivingEntity from every dimension
/purge remove minecraft:zombie
/purge remove minecraft:boat

- /purge remove entity modID:EntityName modID:dimension
Removes the Entity/LivingEntity from the specified dimension
/purge remove minecraft:zombie minecraft:overworld
/purge remove minecraft:boat compactmachines:compact_machine_world (I don't know CM's actual ID or Dimension name, sorry)

- /purge remove blockentity modID:BlockEntity
Removes the BlockEntity from every Dimension
/purge remove minecraft:hopper
/purge remove projecte:interdiction_torch

/purge remove blockentity modID:BlockEntity --force
Removes the BlockEntity from every Dimension, and scans every active chunk for it to remove it
/purge remove minecraft:hopper --force
/purge remove projecte:interdiction_torch --force

- /purge remove blockentity modID:BlockEntity modID:dimension
Removes the BlockEntity from the specified dimension
/purge remove minecraft:hopper minecraft:overworld
/purge remove projecte:interdiction_torch minecraft:the_end

- /purge remove blockentity modID:BlockEntity modID:dimension --force
Removes the BlockEntity from the specified dimension, and scans every active chunk for it to remove it
/purge remove minecraft:hopper minecraft:overworld true
/purge remove projecte:interdiction_torch minecraft:the_end



Jomout: Artist (Purge It Logo)