Quark-O-Plenty Chest Replacer

Quark-O-Plenty Chest Replacer


What This Does:

  • Replaces quarkoplenty chest blocks with placeholder blocks that maintain the chests inventory, and will be replaced with a vanilla chest upon receiving a random tick or player interaction, or neighbor block interaction.
  • Replaces quarkoplenty chest items with placeholder items that also maintain the chests nbt data (should any be present) that will be replaced with a vanilla chest upon being moved into a players inventory, or when you attempt to place it (not that you should be able to)

What This Doesn't Do:

  • Replace or make placeholders for any other QoP features such as vertical planks, signs, etc.

Why This Was Made:

When Quark-o-Plenty removed their files from curseforge, many modpacks (including one I play on fairly frequently) were locked and unable to update themselves due to the lack of quark-o-plenty files being public, so I created this mod as a way to safely remove the mod from the modpack without players potentially losing a large amount of valuable items that had just happened to be stored in a quark-o-plenty chest. This mod does not use any of the Quark-O-Plenty assets assets or code, it simply uses the same namespace in order to replace the missing blocks with my placeholder blocks when loaded from the world save.

Installation Instructions:

While minecraft is not running, simply remove the quark-o-plenty mod, and replace it with my qopfix mod. Then upon each chunk being loaded, the chests should replace themselves over time, however it is recommended that you more-or-less leave this mod installed permanently unless such a time comes that quark-o-plenty can be reinstalled.

Note: This mod is dependent on the Abnormals Core same as quark-o-plenty, however it should theoretically work with newer versions as the only issue with the newer versions that quark-o-plenty had were sign related, not chest related (however this has not been fully tested so please let me know if my assumption is wrong).