Quick Harvest

Quick Harvest



Adds in right-click harvesting to crops and auto replants afterwards.


API guide

How to register a harvester

To register a harvester you will need to use the HarvestManager. This is like a registry for harvesters. Specifically you will need to call HarvestManager.regsiter(). This method takes 2 parameters, the first is your harvester and the second is an array of blocks it is effective on.

Note: A Harvester is anything which implements IHarvester.

Creating a custom harvester

In a typical case, when creating a custom harvester you will need to extend the class HarvesterImpl. This class provides you will a bunch of methods which you can use when implementing your own harvesters. The only method you must implement yourself in this case is harvest(). To see some examples of harvesters, take a look here.