Open spirit boxes, create gods and make them produce resources for you!
Why use Ragnarok mod?
This mod consists of bringing mythical beings from different mythologies (although 8 are the main ones) which will be used to make offerings and receive blessings in the form of resources. The main mythologies are Japanese, Chinese, Celtic, Norse, Egyptian, Greek, Mayan and Hindu. Each of them has its respective ore, tools, decorative blocks and gods. The main mechanic is similar to the bees in the Forestry mod, that is, naturally generated materials that must be obtained with a specific tool in order to create sustainable farms of basic resources through merges, but in an easier and more sustainable way.
-The currently included gods can produce the following resources: Yomite, Annwinite, Duatite, Xibalbaite, Diyuite, Hadesite, Narakasite, Helheimite, Seed, Stone, Sand, Iron, Gold, Coal, Emerald, Diamond, Clay, Fish, String, Leather, Feather, Paper, Apple, Wool, Experience Bottle, Blaze Powder, Flint, Ender Pearl, Obsidian and Nether Wart.
More info here:
Official mod showcase video (ENGLISH VERSION):
Official mod showcase video (SPANISH VERSION):