With RaidMeter you can display progress you make in game and trigger something when completed. Very useful with CCI to have a fancy way of displaying its progress. This mod has the **/raidmeter** command to set everything up:
- /raidmeter add id display_name max_amount current_amount position type
- /raidmeter remove id
- /raidmeter modify id add|set|color|current_amount|max_amount|name|position|type|display_add|display_remove
- /raidmeter info id color|current_amount|max_amount|name|position|type
The add command allows you to create new meters, the remove command allows you to remove a meter, the modify command will allow you to alter any value of the meter. The info command allows you to check the values of the meter. Command autocomplete will help you a lot through the commands, if something doesn't have autocomplete is probably a number. The `id` value is a short identifier for the meter like `potato2` and `display_name` can be a phrase between quotes like "Cats are the best"
To do crazy stuff with CCI you can use the Game Hooks feature using the RaidMeterEvent.Complete event to check when a bar completes more info in this iChun tutorial. You can also use CCI to trigger the modify command to increase the progress of the meters. Small example of the gamehooks.json :
{ "listeners": [ { "className": "RaidMeterEvent$Complete", "staticAccessors": [], "accessors": [{ "function": "RaidMeter"} ], "argBasedAccessors": {}, "event": { "conditions": [], "outcomes": [ { "message": "Test", "type": "narrator" } ] } } ] }