Random Mob Sizes

Random Mob Sizes


[Feature]: Add support for datapack entries

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  • allows other mods that add new mobs, to also supply the preferred scalings alongside
  • add custom namespace to allow changing the settings through a datapack
    • data/<namespace>/entity_scaling/<entity>.json
  • config file takes precedence over the datapack entries
    • datapack entries can set overwrite=true to overwrite the config entries
      • should only be used by external datapacks and not by mods that add default scaling for their mobs
    • exclude list still the higher priority, to allow proper blocking

Hierarchy for scaling:

  1. if mobs is in exclude_list, do not apply scaling
  2. if the is an datapack entry with overwrite=true use it
  3. check the config file for custom scalings in scaling_overrides
  4. check the config if default scaling can be applied (checks the include_list)
  5. use the datapack entry supplied by the external mod

Decided not to implement this at the moment