Random TP After Death

Random TP After Death


It's a mod that, upon death, will randomly teleport you somewhere in your world. Essential for playing with friends, as if one of you dies, it will teleport everyone, clear their inventory, and you'll all start together again.


-- Server ✅

-- Client ✅ (Optional but Recommended)


To use commands, you need OP permissions or level 4 permissions.

/rtp mode status - It will display the status if any mode is enabled or disabled. Ex: "Any mode enabled/disabled."

/rtp mode hard <enable/disable> - The hard mode will make it so that each time a player dies, they lose one heart permanently. Disabling hard mode will restore full health (10 hearts) to all players.

For example, if you have 10 hearts and die once, the next time you respawn, your maximum health will be 9 hearts, and this will continue until you reach half a heart.

/rtp mode uhc <enable/disable> - Ultra hardcore mode, in addition to everything from hard mode, will prevent natural health regeneration. You will only be able to heal using golden apples, enchanted golden apples, and potions. Disabling UHC mode will restore any lost health if you had died previously, and natural health regeneration will be re-enabled.

Demonstration Video