Realistic Spiders

Realistic Spiders


Realistic Spiders


      This is a simple mod that makes spiders 25% their original size, and gives them a 50% chance to spawn another spider when spawned. This can chain and make large spider "nests" when a spider spawns. Cave Spiders do not have an extra 50% chance to spawn. Spiders will do 50% less damage, and have 75% less defense. Spider Jockeys now do not spawn by default. They can be turned on with the game rule doJockeySpawn (Jockey's Spawning currently breaks a bit, will fix). The Spiders for Spider Jockeys will be normal sized. Spiders can only be seen when you are close to them, making them even harder to be seen. This mod works well with Spiders Produce Webs, and Weaker Spiderwebs. 

This mod unfortunately doesn't work with Spiders 2.0, but does work with Nyf's Spiders, a port of Spiders 2.0 for 1.18+!

Inspired by Realistic Bees.


  • Spider Jockey's spawning is currently broken. Will fix this in the next update.

Plans for 1.0.5):

  • Make Spider noises quieter.
  • Add config file to set everything instead of game rules
  • Add config to set spider size (default 25%, ranges from 12.5-50)
  • Get rid of chaining on default, add config to set a spider to always spawn a certain amount of spiders instead (Default 4).
  • Add chaining configuration to set up to 25% chance to make slightly bigger "spider nests" (May change this)
  • (1.0.6) Add configuration to work with my Variable Mob Height mod. (Currently doesn't, should be able to be done)
  • Fix spider jockey spawn system (Currently broken).