Realistic Ants Mod

Realistic Ants Mod


 Realistic Ants Mod


This mod allow players to explore the fascinating world of ants with the addition of three different types of ants - Worker Ants, Army Ants, and Queen Ants .


The ants live in anthills created by the Queen Ant and they will defend their home from intruders. If you accidentally step on an anthill, an Army will likely exit the anthill and attack you. However, you can also collect ants by hitting them with a test tube.


 Queeen  Ant:

The Queen ant  as the name suggests, she is the leader of the ant colony and is responsible for creating new ants to populate the anthill.The Queen ant is larger than the other ants and has a unique appearance that sets her apart from the rest of the colony.



Army Ants:

Army Ants are known for their agressive behaviour and their ability to defend the colony from intruders, they are smaller than the Queen but they have a bigger head than Workers Ants.


Worker Ants:


Worker ants are smaller than Army Ants. They are not agressive like Army ants. Instead, they focus on their tasks around the anthill.




Test tube

You can also caputre ants using a test tube.