Recipe GUI Feature Overview:
Full Vanilla Recipe creation (Except Smithing).
Supported Mods with JSON Recipes(JSON Recipes need LMR Mod - :
Avaritia Extreme Crafting Shapeless, Avaritia Compressor.
Applied Energistics 2 Inscriber Press/Inscribe Recipes.
Version 0.0.3 Open the GUI with the Command - /ctg
Version 0.0.4 Open the GUI with the Command - /r_gui
Check the Wiki for a better description - Click Here
1.16.5 Support:
KubeJS, CraftTweaker for Vanilla Recipes and Draconic Evolution Fusion Crafting.
With the Mod Load My Resources u get access to JSON Recipes:
Atm only AE2 Inscriber and Grinder Recipes.
1.18.2 Support:
Vanilla Recipes in CraftTweaker.
With the Mod Load My Resources u get access to JSON Recipes:
AE2 Inscriber Recipes.
Avaritia Extreme Crafting and Compressor Recipes.
Planned Support:
Recipe manipulation without CraftTweaker or KubeJS.
Extended Crafting, Botania, Mekanism, Immersive Engineering, Blood Magic, Pedestals and much more.
My other Mods:
Roost Ultimate