



This mod is no longer supported. The source code will not be available.


Most of the quests modpacks work by... Quests. But, they do not have the power to stop you to progress without completing the quests, they do not remove and add, dynamically, recipes. With this mod, you can do that.

You can remove or add recipes, with the possibility to (un)lock them using the simple json file that the program creates and gives you. The default file is the following: If you want to learn more, keep reading.

As you can see, the file is very simple and it shows, mostly, everything you can do. In the remove section, you just need to pass the resource name that you want to get rid of the recipes (in the example you have the torchs and the iron block). This will erase all the recipes for those blocks. In the add section, you have several options: shapeless or shaped (in the next update, smelting will be availabe). If you choose shapeless, you just need to pass the output, the amount that it returns, if it is unlocked or not (if you want to have that recipe available right at the start of the game or not) and the items (because it is shapeless, you just need to put the items there, nothing else). If you choose shaped, you have the same options, but you need to pass the 9 items that you need to form the recipe (if the item is nothing, just leave the quotation matks without anything inside). Check the following image to understand the slots numbers:

To activate the recipes, dyamyi items are generated according to the files and you just need to right click with them in the air and, voilá, you unlocked the recipe (and the file will update too).


Unfortunatly, the mod is not finished and it has very bugs (if you use it in the first time, it will crash, but if you load the second time, it will run fine), and it is being built very slowly. Other this is, I'm not able, alone, to finish it and I really need some help to localize the names and add the texture to the blocks

Please, don't be rude if you find any error/bug because I'm trying my best to fix everything, but the time is not my friend. I appreciate every comment and suggestions.