Rede Revo Discord Rich Presence

Rede Revo Discord Rich Presence


Rich Presence mod para o servidor Rede Revo.

Para rodar o mod você precisa ter o fabric instalado em seu minecraft e basta coloca-lo na pasta mods e deve funcionar corretamente.

Somos muito grato por todos aqueles que usarem nosso mod! ♥


Rich Presence mod for Revo Revo Network.

This mod gives you an Discord RichPresence.

To run the mod you need to have fabric installed in your minecraft and just put it in the mods folder and it should work correctly.


In addition to having the ability to change your discord status from "Playing Minecraft", this mod shows you the players around you and the ip of the current server you are playing on.

We are very grateful for all those who use our mod! ♥