Redeemed Pillagers

Redeemed Pillagers


Redeem illagers by giving them an amnesia potion!


To craft this dangerous potion you'll need to brew an echo shard into a harming II potion, but be careful! Splashing this potion on yourself will give you nausea and poison for 40 minutes, and you'll then die! (Even if you drink milk as the potion is what's hurting and keeping you alive at the same time by using poison and healing effects, basically giving you brain damage).

I recommend making a special chamber with a dispenser in order to safely cure your captured pillager.

You can only "tame" one pillager at a time! Abusing this potion will kill all the extra pillagers.

The potion takes 40 minutes (4 Minecraft days) to give a pillager amnesia!

-REQUIRES GECKOLIB AND FORGE FOR 1.19.2! (Forge version 43.2.0)

You can change a redeemed's role in the village to be a guard! They start out as workers (Behaving almost villagers that can fist fight mobs) , but by clicking on them with a stone sword while sneaking will change them into guards! (Currently unfinished so currently it's not worth it doing that).
As workers, they will link to workstations just like villagers!

How to brew the Amnesia Potion (In this order):
-Nether wart
-Spider Eye
-Fermented Spider Eye
-Glowstone Dust
-Echo Shard

To be added:
-Ability to give guard redeemed pillagers items.
-More exploit fixes.
-Textures for each job.
=Illager villages!
-Development of guard redeemed illagers! (They are currently useless as they do the same thing as worker illagers).
-If they pick up a crossbow they become regular villagers, so be careful!
-Compatibility with other versions (1.17+)
-Complex models! (Probably on a separate mod).
-Splashing villagers with this potion will make them forget their profession, and if there is a pillager nearby... they become pillagers.