Redstoner's Wrench

Redstoner's Wrench


    This mod adds in only one item: the redstoner's wrench.  This wrench doesn't allow you to interact with modded machinery, however.  No, this wrench server an entirely different purpose.  This wrench allows you to place various types of redstone-related blocks from a single hotbar slot.  Right-clicking (not on a block) with a wrench opens up a GUI with over a hotbar's worth of items to choose from, including pistons, buttons, redstone wire, levers, and dispensers. Right clicking on the ground places the selected block.  Blocks placed will face the way they usually would when placed normally, but buttons are a bit buggy at the moment, and levers are a little buggy as well.  Regardless, it's nothing game-breaking.  

Note: You will need to have the selected block in your inventory to be able to place it, and the wrench does consume blocks when it places them. 

Crafting recipe:

Mod spotlight by WanderingSoulOfTime:

Usage in Modpacks:

Feel free to use this mod in your modpacks.  If you do, feel free to link me to it, I'm always interested in seeing new modpacks :D