Refined Tools and Armor

Refined Tools and Armor


This mod requires Minecraft Forge to run correctly! Please make sure you have it installed and just drop the .jar file into your .minecraft/mods folder. Also, since this mod is built on Forge, the .jar file works on both Forge Client and Forge Server, so have fun if you run a server!

Please also check out my other mod, Additional Tools and Armor.

Refined Tools and Armor, formerly Refined Tools, Weapons & Armor, is a mod that adds six new types of armor and tools to Minecraft. The types are as follows, from least to most useful:

  • Carbon: Carbon armor and tools are made from Carbon Ingots, which are made after smelting a Coal Chunk, which is just 4 pieces of Coal. The armor is better than Leather armor but worse than Iron armor. The tools have as many uses as Iron tools but are as fast and can harvest blocks identically to Stone tools. Carbon armor and tools are 100% more fertile than Stone items to enchantments.
  • Blaze: Blaze armor and tools are made from Blaze Ingots, which are made after smelting a Blaze Chunk, which is just 2 Blaze Rods. The armor is equal to Carbon armor. The tools harvest blocks that Diamond tools do, yet are faster at doing so; However, the tools have as many uses as Stone tools. Blaze tools are slightly more fertile to enchantments than Carbon tools, while Blaze and Carbon armor have the same enchantability.
  • Refined Gold: Refined Gold armor and tools are made from Refined Gold Ingots, which are made after smelting a Gold Chunk, which is just 2 Gold Ingots. The armor is slightly less effective than Iron armor. The tools function identically to Blaze tools, but have double the uses. Also, Gold armor and tools are as fertile as regular Gold items to enchantments.
  • Refined Iron: Refined Iron armor and tools are made from Refined Iron Ingots, which are made after smelting an Iron Chunk, which is just 2 Iron Ingots. The armor is about 60% more effective than Iron armor (if it were 100% more, the armor rating would be 30; Diamond has an armor rating of 33). The tools have double the uses of Iron tools and are slightly faster. However, both armor and tools are less fertile to enchantments than Iron items.
  • Refined Diamond: Refined Diamond armor and tools are made from Refined Diamonds, which are made after smelting a Diamond Chunk, which is crafted with 2 Diamonds and 4 Quartz. The armor is 25% more effective than Diamond Armor, making it very long lasting. The tools have double the uses of Diamond tools and are 50% faster. Both armor and tools are slightly more fertile than Diamond items to enchantments.
  • Power: Power armor and tools are the best it gets. While enchantments wither on these items, Power armor is nearly indestructible, while the tools have nearly 10,000 uses. The cost to make them is great, however. Each Power Plate needed consumes 2 Refined Diamonds, 1 Redstone Dust, and 6 Refined Iron Ingots.

As for crafting these items, all the tools and armor have the same recipes as the defaults from vanilla Minecraft. The resources however are a bit more complex. Luckily, this gif shows off all non-vanilla recipies:


Make sure to smelt the chunks you get to be able to use the resources, although you all seem quite competent.