


April Fool’s Day is here, so I figured that it would be a good idea to look back at all of the wacky April Fool’s content Minecraft has given to us in the past, along with some brand new content! Ladies and gentlemen, I, EnderPreston, am proud to present…


present tense: refool



to fool again

“This mod is gonna refool you!”

Okay, so it’s kind of a made-up term, but let’s get down to business. I’m sure that a lot of you here want to know what’s included. “No pics, no clicks”, right? Well, here’s all of the stuff that was added.

2011 April Fool’s content

Locked Chest
This kind of chest can only be mined with a Bedrock Breaker, and it requires a key in order to open it.

Steve Co. Supply Crate Key
This thing costed $3 back in 2011, but now you can just craft it with gold. This item is required for using a Locked Chest, so whatever you do, DO NOT put this thing in a Locked Chest unless you have a second on

Minecraft 2.0 features

Etho Slab (TNT Slab)
It’s like normal TNT, but only half as tall, and anvils drop when it explodes.

Block of Charcoal

It’s 9 pieces of Charcoal, combined! You can place this as decoration, store it somewhere, or use it as fuel for a Furnace.

Fake Torch

Unlike regular torches, these require Flint and Steel in order to give off light. Fake torches can also be placed underwater, but you won’t be able to light them if you do that.

Redstone Bug

They’re basically just little red Silverfish, but they don’t spawn from redstone circuit errors like they used to. Instead, they spawn naturally in the Redstone Forest of the Neither dimension.

Fool’s Horse

These Horse look-alikes will spawn naturally in your world, but you can’t ride them. Struggling to tell the difference? Well, these horses are actually Cows, but they’re dressed up as Horses for some reason.


Just like the Fool’s Horse, these animals spawn naturally in your world. Ponies are smaller than a Fool’s Horse, and they’re actually Pigs.

Diamond Chicken

This may look like a normal chicken, but it has a blue tint, and it lays diamonds and lapis instead of eggs. If you intend to kill it, you better do it with a sword, because this chicken can get mean.

Pink Wither

Being possibly the most famous April Fool’s mob in Minecraft history, this pink powerhouse is the Yang to the normal Wither’s Yin, and in Refooled, it’s summoned by placing a Pink Rose on top of a Pink Wither Altar. Instead of blasting animals to death, the Pink Wither loves them to death. This mob is so nice, it will always leave you alone, and the skulls it shoots apply bone meal to wherever they land! The Pink Wither also leaves a trail of bone meal wherever it flies, making it great for auto-farms! I personally wouldn’t recommend killing it, but if you must, there is a little something you can get from it.

Super Hostile Mode

If you really want a challenge that’s even harder than Hardcore mode, there’s a special gamerule for that. With this gamerule activated, every 2 minutes, you’ll be blinded while dozens of lightning bolts, undead mobs, and charged creepers spawn everywhere

WARNING: Never turn this gamerule on for a hardcore mode world. You’ll regret it.

Minecraft 15w14a features

Cheese Bucket

If you ever come across Liquid Cheese in the Neither dimension, scoop it up with a Bucket, and you’ll get this. The liquid itself doesn’t really do much, but it looks cool. However, there is a glitch with the bucket texture that I am fully aware of. The texture uses Forge handling in order to be compatible with resource packs, but now the liquid in the item appears darker and duller than what you’re seeing here. I still haven’t figured out how to fix it.


These weapons have all of the same properties as their normal counterparts, except when they’re held, the player will have Regeneration II. In 15w14a, these replaced normal swords. They couldn’t hurt mobs, they didn’t give Regeneration, and there was no Netherite variant.

Cupid Bow

This is a major work-in-progress, as it has no pullback animation, but this is basically a bow that shoots heart arrows without any ammo requirement.

Obsidian Boat

One would think that this was meant to be a boat for the Nether, but really, this boat isn’t even a boat, because it sinks. In Refooled, you can ride the boat on land, and you can still ride it while it’s underwater.

Pink Wither
(See Minecraft 2.0 spoiler for details on this mob)

Minecraft 1.RV features

USB Charger Block

This block is a cheaper alternative to a Block of Redstone. It has the same strength as a Block of Redstone, but it’s made of gold, iron, and only one piece of Redstone.

Reality Vision

With these glasses on, not only will it obstruct your view slightly, but the batteries are dead, so it doesn’t even work.

Smarter Watch

Slide this thing onto your off-hand, and it’ll send you a push notification when you get hurt or when you craft something. In 1.RV, the inventory render for this item was 2D, and it would display the in-game time above the hotbar.

Ankle Monitor

Unless you want Slowness I and the inability to put on any kind of boots, don’t put this on in Survival. Unlike its 1.RV counterpart, however, it doesn’t give you a curfew warning anymore, and in order to maintain one of the original features, it will automatically give itself Curse of Binding when the player puts it on.

Minecraft 3D Shareware v1.34 features

Flaming Barrel

Special barrels can be found in the Neither, but they aren’t exactly real barrels. They contain a random card and a few other random things, but you should never completely empty one of these barrels (because it’ll explode if you do). If you’re gonna loot it, put some of your inventory junk in there first.


These special cards are used to open locked doors in the Neither dimension. They can be obtained from Flaming Barrels or by killing certain mobs.

Wither (normal, not pink) -> Red Card
Ravager -> Yellow Card
Elder Guardian -> Blue Card


Take a bite of this item, and you’ll get to meet the creators of Minecraft for 5 seconds.

Nerd Creeper

The Nerd Creeper is only summonable using the /NEEEERD command (and of course, the /summon command). They act exactly like normal Creepers, except instead of gunpowder, they will drop the “3D” item when you kill them.

Rocket Horse

This speedy steed can only be obtained using the /HOWDOYOUTURNTHISON command (and of course, the /summon command). It’s automatically tamed from the start, and you can ride it in the water. However, the heavy boosters on the sides prevent the horse from jumping while the player is riding it.

It should also be noted that the armor it wears is meant to look like the Cobra Car from Age of Empires 2, which is where the command originates. In the original shareware, the Rocket Horse was just a normal horse with Diamond Horse Armor and a speed buff.

Boss Mode
Press “B” to activate an MS-DOS-esque overlay to (hopefully) fool your teacher or boss.

Cheat Codes
New commands were added, and they can do all sorts of wacky stuff. Two of them are listed in this spoiler, and the rest can be found on the Minecraft Gamepedia page.

Minecraft 20w14infinite features

Box of Infinite Books
This box comes in four randomly-chosen colors: yellow, blue, red, and green. When you right-click the box, you’ll receive a Neither Book. With this book, you can transform an empty Nether Portal into a Neither Portal!

Black, green, black, green, black again, green again, so on and so forth. This block can be found in the Terminal biome of the Neither dimension.

Ant Block
When I say “Ant” Block, I don’t mean the insect. I mean Langton’s Ant, which this block can replicate when on top of white and/or black concrete. This block can only be obtained using commands.

Swaggiest stairs ever
Netherite stairs!!! No other ore block has stairs! This iz so amazing!!!1

Neither Book
You can get one of these from a Box of Infinite Books. If you have a deactivated Nether Portal, right-click it with this book the same way you would with Flint and Steel. Then, instead of a Nether Portal, you’ll have a Neither Portal, which will take you to the Neither Dimension. In 20w14infinite, it was actually just a Written Book. Here, though, it’s a brand new item.

A Very Fine Item
This item doesn’t do anything, really, but it can be found in all of the chests in the Neither Wastelands.


This item doesn’t serve any purpose, either, but you can find two of these in a Desire Shrine. There are Desire Shrines floating above a couple of the Overworld-like biomes in the Neither dimension.

The Neither

Instead of adding all 2,147,483,645 dimensions from 20w14infinite, I decided to merge all of the ones I knew about into one dimension: the Neither.

Minecraft Plus features


This retro device doesn’t seem to have a proper operating system installed on it yet, but I wonder what’ll happen if you run Minecraft Plus on it.

Minecraft Plus

The physical copy of Minecraft’s new official screensaver is now available in the world of Minecraft itself! Be careful using it outside of a computer, though, as it may cause strange things to happen in your world. I’ve even heard reports of small floating Glow Squids (a mob that shouldn’t even be in the game until 1.17) and ground blocks sliding around on their own

Scrapped official content

Hovering Inferno?

These deadly mobs hide in the patches of Soul Sand scattered throughout the Neither. Once woken from its slumber, the Hovering Inferno will start shooting Soul Fireballs from its shields towards the player. The Inferno’s shields protect it from arrows, making this mob more dangerous than a normal Blaze.

Monster of the Ocean Depths?

Just when things in the Neither couldn’t get any weirder, you come across this creature, who lives in all of the Neither’s biggest bodies of water. Don’t get too close to it, because it will try to eat you, along with any other ocean creatures that are nearby.

Great Hunger?

If you’re walking around in the Neither dimension, you may see quite a few of these little guys. They may be small, but they have huge mouths, which are able to eat Redstone Bugs and even Chickens! Just don’t attack them, because they will bite back if you do.

Zombie Pigman (Legacy)

Yeah, this is what the Zombified Piglins used to look like. Now, the Zombie Pigmen roam the Neither, peacefully protesting against the Piglins, so don’t hit them unless you want to start a riot.

By the way, these guys also show up during Super Hostile Mode, alongside Zombies, Skeletons, and Creepers.

Original content

Pink Wither Altar

This block is used (in place of Pink Wool) to summon the Pink Wither. Any plant can be placed on the altar, but only a Pink Rose can activate it.

Pink Rose

Pink roses are a new type of flower that can be found all over your world. They can be crafted into Pink Dye, but they can also be placed on a Pink Wither Altar to summon the Pink Wither.

Dirt Bricks (Brown Bricks)

These are decorative blocks that were added to the Refooled mod as a joke feature. Because they are made of dirt, you can place any plant on them (yes, even on the slabs and stairs.)

They are a reference to the “Brown Bricks/Minecrap” meme, and for those who know about this meme, the chiseled variant of this block even has a silhouette of Inspector Gadget on it.

Locked Doors

In the Neither dimension, you will find these doors blocking off some of the structures, usually the ones with awesome loot in them. They come in three colors: red, yellow, and blue. To open these doors, you need a Card that is the same color as the door you’re trying to open. They can’t be opened by hand, but you can close them without a Card.

Bedrock Bricks

These blocks can be found in the Neither dimension as the blocks used for the dungeons of the Neither dimension. Bedrock Bricks can be put into a stonecutter to form stairs, slabs, pillars, and even a chiseled variant with an infinity symbol on it.

By the way, if you right-click the chiseled variant with a Card, the symbol will glow either red, blue, or yellow, depending on the color of the Card you use. Even if the block is already glowing, you can still change the color using a different Card, which can be useful for bookmarking a dungeon that you want to come back to.

RNG Block

The RNG Block, short for Random Number Generator Block, can be anything it wants to be.

Caution Block

This block is strictly cosmetic, but it can be crafted with yellow dye and black dye.

Retro Stone

Retro Stone is the primary block in the Vapor Waves biome of the Neither dimension. It's used to craft computers, Reality Vision, and the physical copy of Minecraft Plus.

Inferno Trap

Watch your step when you’re in the Neither, because that’s where you’ll find this sneaky block. This may look like an ordinary Soul Sand block, but the souls within it are on fire, probably because a Hovering Inferno hides here. If you’re gonna approach this block, make sure you mine it first, because stepping on it will light a soul fire and summon the Hovering Inferno.

Redstone Flower

This flower spawns naturally in the Redstone Forest biome of the Neither dimension, and it’s the only flower capable of emitting a redstone signal.

Pinkite Block

Like every other ore, Pinkite has its own block form. However, this block grants Regeneration II to anyone who stands or walks on it.

Neither Stone

This is the primary stone in the Neither dimension, and it changes color based on what biome it’s in. It’s usually green in the Overworld, Nether, and End, but in the Neither dimension, it can be various different colors.

Neither Ores

Coal, Gold, Lapis, and Pinkite are the ores that generate in the Neither dimension. Like Neither Stone, the color of these blocks changes based on what biome it’s in. Coal, Gold, and Lapis can also be found in the Overworld, but the Neither is the only place you’ll be able to find Pinkite.

Fake Water Block

While this block does have almost the exact same interactive properties as normal water, it can’t spread, and for some reason, nothing can drown in it. You can find these naturally in the Neither, but they’ll just give you blue dye when mined.

Pink Wither Blaster

With this blaster, you can shoot the same projectiles that the Pink Wither does!

Power Heart

This is the Pink Wither’s main drop. It can be used to craft Heartswords, and it gives the player Regeneration II when held.

Bedrock Breaker

The Bedrock Breaker is capable of breaking any block, even unbreakable ones like Bedrock and End Portal frames. With this tool, normal blocks can be broken with ease, even locked chests, but to mine unbreakable blocks, all you have to do is right-click on them. This only works in Survival, as there is no reason to have that kind of feature in Creative.

Soul Fire Charge

This item is exactly like normal Fire Charge, except it only lights soul fires, so don’t use it on any surface that isn’t Soul Sand or Soul Soil. Oh, and whatever you do, don’t use it on Inferno Traps, either. Just don’t.

Soul Shield

Despite its name, the Soul Shield doesn’t actually protect you from projectiles, but if you right-click with it, it can shoot projectiles of its own. This item can only be obtained from killing a Hovering Inferno.


This precious mineral can only be found in the Neither dimension. It can used for crafting the Cupid Bow, the Pink Wither Blaster, and (of course) Pinkite Blocks.

Neither Guardian

While these creatures of the Neither dimension are a type of Guardian, they’re actually quite different from their Overworld counterparts. They swim through the air rather than in the water, and their eyes can’t shoot lasers. They’re also perfectly okay with players being in their territory, as long as you leave them alone, that is. They’ll only attack you if you attack them first.

Neither Giant

These gentle giants are similar to regular vanilla Giants, but they aren’t exactly the same. They won’t bother you if you don’t bother them, but they’ll squash you like a bug if you try to stab them in the foot.

Bedrock Dungeons
Bedrock Dungeons are special dungeons that can be found in the Stone Tundra biome of the Neither. The dungeons comes in 3 variants: red, yellow, and blue. These 3 variants have Locked Doors of the same color, and the blocks themselves can’t be broken at all with normal tools, so unless you have the right color Card or a Bedrock Breaker, you won’t be able to get in.

More information on all of this stuff can be found in the Help section of Refooled’s official website! If you don’t know how to craft something, don’t worry. All Refooled recipes are unlocked by default as of version 1.1.0!

I hope you all enjoy Refooled, and happy April Fool’s Day!

(Disclaimer: Most of the images in the spoilers come from the Minecraft Gamepedia, but I had trouble embedding them directly from there, so I had to use the same image hosting site as the rest of the mod. All properties and assets belong to their original creators.)