


[Suggestion, Compatability] Integration with MCA:Reborn's Villagers

Jigbashmop opened this issue ยท 5 comments


I've noticed that MCA:Reborn's villagers don't perform the new behaviors, and it would be amazing if these two mods could work together.


It looks like there's two, mca:male_villager and mca:female_villager. I added both to the end of the line, copying the minecraft:villager entry and replacing the name, but it doesn't seem to have worked.

I'm on 1.18.2 Fabric if it matters


Press F3 and look at an MCA Reborn villager.
It will be something like MCAVillager:mcaVillager.
Change the "minecraft:villager" entry in the configuration file to whatever that value is.

If MCA Reborn has stopped basing off of minecraft:villager it won't work tho.


I want also to propose a thing here: Better Walls and other thing. With MCA Reborn there is a system of growing of the town. Could you try to implement that in regrowth: The fact that villager will build houses for making the village bigger (but faster than the walls). Also not sure but do villagers close holes that leads to cave. Because it would be interesting to having villager avoid falling into cave (it's a big problem that can lead to depopulation). And if possible can i make a fork of this project and try to implement what i said before. (If y follow your logic and with some recherch(pardon my bad vocabulary)) y should reach to do it. Also the problem mentioned come either from your code, or the code of MCA that override your's in some ways for comportment. (Also i suggest this out of blue but would be cool if you reach to make the system of formation of barrier and wall dynamic in function of the biome (Should not be hard (Maybe?)). But your mod is cool and i want to add it to my modpack because it's add life and dynamism.


I want also to propose a thing here: Better Walls and other thing. With MCA Reborn there is a system of growing of the town. Could you try to implement that in regrowth: The fact that villager will build houses for making the village bigger (but faster than the walls). Also not sure but do villagers close holes that leads to cave. Because it would be interesting to having villager avoid falling into cave (it's a big problem that can lead to depopulation). And if possible can i make a fork of this project and try to implement what i said before. (If y follow your logic and with some recherch(pardon my bad vocabulary)) y should reach to do it. Also the problem mentioned come either from your code, or the code of MCA that override your's in some ways for comportment. (Also i suggest this out of blue but would be cool if you reach to make the system of formation of barrier and wall dynamic in function of the biome (Should not be hard (Maybe?)). But your mod is cool and i want to add it to my modpack because it's add life and dynamism.

I think i'm changing my thinking. This code for the events for regrowth IS A MESS, and as some have say elsewhere. It's also not really optimized. I'm still thinking in going into the code but... This will be difficult considering that also it's lack a bit of comment, so part of the understanding i have to do it with my little brain. But i will try to see if there is no way to make this code lighter. (And also do some rescherch for sending most of the code of the handling of the event just of of the event itself because i think this is what cause lag (lag with big village especially when loading chunks and i think this lag is essentially with the tps).


Thanks for your comments!

yes, Regrowth is due for a bit of a rewrite. I've learned a lot of things that were not documented in forge and minecraft since I wrote it.

I am open for suggestions on how to optimize it further. I have optimized it a lot since the early versions.

When looking at Regrowth keep in mind the design is for "vanilla+" . It's probably not appropriate for villagers if you have significant mods that greatly change villagers or even (as MCA does) kills the villagers as they enter the world and replaces them with it's own custom mods with different A.I. and much stricter pathing.

However, there shouldn't be a flat out conflict because all Regrowth does is look "where is this mob now, and does it meet the conditions for this special action". It doesn't modify the A.I.

As far as walls and roads go-- minecraft 1.18.1 generates some insane terrain. Some roads have 19 meter vertical breaks in them. It's ultimately going to take 19 horizontal meters to fix a road like that.

fyi : rescherch is "research" in english.

If you see a particularly inefficient method in your research - please point it out to me.

Thanks Again,
Two Guys,