

Giant Mushrooms

Giant Mushrooms

By default, skeletons will create well spaced giant mushrooms randomly as they wander around large open areas underground.
Better Walls!

Better Walls!

This town has multiple bells. Villagers are better at doing perimeter in this case.
Natural Progression Pebbles & Gates

Natural Progression Pebbles & Gates

The villagers can't close or open them but hey can install them in the wall.


Working on a logo...This one is in metrolox.
Coral Regrowth

Coral Regrowth

Grown from single buds at the bottom of the tank.
Multiple walls for multiple biomes

Multiple walls for multiple biomes

Villagers change wall type when the biome category changes. Mesa, Desert Mountain with red sandstone, sandstone, and cobblestone walls.
Villagers Improve Road

Villagers Improve Road

Villagers slowly.. .randomly... smoothed this broken road and made it passable.
Village after a few hours

Village after a few hours

After a few hours with % = 150 , the villagers had finished a lot of the inner wall and smoothed the roads. Wooden wall is made by me to test some things.
Twenty minutes of Life

Twenty minutes of Life

A mixture of animals turn superflat verdant.
The grass dirt path bug case

The grass dirt path bug case

very hard to identify bug
Fences (v 1.16.1, 1.6.2)

Fences (v 1.16.1, 1.6.2)

Villagers have learned to build better fences. They only build them outside the main walls out of configurable local materials. 1.15.1 and 1.15.2 s/b ready soon.
Eating, makes grass dirt sometimes

Eating, makes grass dirt sometimes

This will be a little more realistic for overcrowded pens and also reduce events in over crowded pens.
Horses in a Grassy Field

Horses in a Grassy Field

They didn't eat grass then... but now they do!
Snow town

Snow town

This town had an odd dirt overhang. And two bells.
Villagers gossiping on a Break

Villagers gossiping on a Break

Villagers take a break from wall building to gossip.