


No villager flags in the config file

LlubNek opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Forge Version: 35.1.28
Minecraft Version: 1.16.4

Describe the bug
The config file contains no flags to control villager behaviour. Road upgrades are still problematic, so this is definitely needed.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. start with a fresh minecraft instance
  2. install the mod
  3. run minecraft to generate config
  4. open config file
  5. note absence of villager flags

Expected behavior
A villager flags line as described in the mod description on curseforge should appear in the ["Regrowth Control Values"] section of the config file (or a batch of booleans to control the same behaviour).


I'll give it a look.
I need

  1. the forgeversion
  2. the minecraft version
  3. the worldseed.

I just tested the 1.16.4 version in 1.16.4 and 1.16.3 and get the line.

["Regrowth Mobs 6464"]
#RegrowthMobs String 6464
defaultRegrowthMobsActual = "minecraft:cow,both,240.0;minecraft:horse,eat,360.0;minecraft:donkey,eat,360.0;minecraft:sheep,eat,240.0;minecraft:pig,grow,800.0;minecraft:bee,grow,1000.0;minecraft:chicken,grow,600.0;minecraft:villager,crwplvt,5.0;minecraft:creeper,tall,60.0;minecraft:zombie,stumble,180.0;minecraft:skeleton,mushroom,180.0"

Note the "minecraft:villager,crwplvt,5.0;" entry just after chickens and just before creepers.


Sorry, not sure how I missed that... I searched maybe five times, but I see it there now...
You might want to consider doing the villager flags separately though.


I think I could move them to the start of the default list next release. They were originally at the end of the default file and got buried as I added more options.

I'm glad you found them. Cheers!