If you're familiar with the Ex Nihilo Mod (now Ex Nihilo Sequentia), you may remember the Hammer that mod added. The Ex Nihilo hammer was able to break down Cobblestone into Gravel, and then into Sand, and then into Dust.
Well, Reg's Hammers aims to do just that. You can use this datapack to craft a Hammer for every tier of tool, just like Ex Nihilo.
Instead of breaking Sand into Dust however, Sand will turn into a Clay Ball. Breaking down blocks of Clay will now turn into Coarse Dirt.
Reg's Hammers also comes with a few bonus features. You can use hammers to break down blocks such as Stone Bricks and Sandstone into their previous components. So, Stone Bricks will turn into Stone, Sandstone into Sand, Polished Andesite into Andesite, and so on.
If you're installing the datapack, you'll have to actually click on the datapack page and scroll down to find the resource pack. The next update will put everything together so it's a big zip file.
If you're using the modded version, just use Modrinth's Launcher! It's great, handy, and is easy to work with. Otherwise, you can download the .jar file and use it however you need.
Just like my other projects, admins/moderators can use a custom /give command to obtain the custom hammers. Just use /function vanillahammers:give_item/(id) {player:'@p',count:1}
to give a player of choice a specific number of hammers.
Important Notes
Please keep in mind these important notes, they may save you some time later!
- Many blocks can now be broken down, including Quartz Blocks back into Quartz. A wiki is coming soon with the full list, but if you don't know what you can break, just hammer it!
- The hammers are able to act as pickaxes/axes for blocks that require them, but they are not replacements for those tools! Hammers will attempt to break down blocks first and foremost, and will only drop the block itself if it can't.
- An example of this would be using it to mine Cobblestone. It can mine it like a pickaxe, but it'll turn into Gravel!
- To upgrade a Diamond Hammer into Netherite, DO NOT USE THE SMITHING TABLE! Instead, stand in front of the Smithing Table and hold a Netherite Upgrade Smithing Template in your offhand while having the Diamond Hammer in your mainhand. Then, ensure you have a Netherite Ingot somewhere in your inventory. Then, press crouch to upgrade it.
- Upgrading Diamond Hammers will retain all enchantments, custom names, what have you. It just changes the model and adds some new data like an upgraded durability and resistance to fire. Just like real netherite!
- Red Sand has a very small chance of turning into 1-2 Iron Nuggets when broken specifically with a Diamond or Netherite Hammer. This chance increases with Fortune, so if you need Iron you can search for a Mesa biome and go to town.
Other Information
If you want to use this in your modpack, go for it! Just credit me and or this project somewhere if you plan on releasing it so I can get more feedback on how to make this better.
Also, you can send me a message in my Discord Server if you have any questions! It's where I have all my other projects anyhow, so you can look at the other ones too if you'd like.
All item textures were made by me, sorry if they look bad.